![]() One of the things I look forward to is my cup of Twinings decaffeinated black tea, with a nice slug of honey. I used to drink another brand (that shall remain nameless), and when I first tasted Twinings, that other kind just tasted like cardboard in comparison! And I wondered, where have you been all my (SCD) life, Twinings?? Even though it's decaf, I still feel like it perks up my morning and offers a little luxury as I start the day. At night it's my comfort drink after a busy and tiring day with my darling kids... Speaking of which, we had a great time at a bird observatory this week. We got to see and touch wild birds, watch the process of banding them as they make their treck to the south for the winter, and learned about their diet. We saw them get measured, weighed, and tracked for the amount of fat on their bellies. I didn't know that birds have transparentent skin under their feathers...the volunteer would hold the bird by its claws, turn it onto its back, and blow on its feathers so they could see how much belly fat it has. We saw a Wilson's Warbler, an Orange Crowned Warbler, and a Ring Necked Dove...pretty amazing! The boys loved it and asked for more field trips like that one. Homeschool win! Well, back to my cup of Twinings decaf with honey...hope you have a great weekend! ~ Erin
![]() We used to have to stock up on Trader Joe's goodies when we visited family, but Trader Joe's opened a store nearby last year, and I'm sure you can imagine my delight at being able to stop by any time I need to get something! It is conveniently located near our church, so yesterday we stopped by with long list in hand, and I did a bit of shopping for the week plus picked up a number of TJ staples. I like to buy some extra and store in a little food area in the basement... So these are items I can eat that we often buy at TJ's: - Canned chicken (with chicken, water, and salt only) - Great for mixing with legal Mayonnaise, grated cheddar cheese, chopped green onions, salt & pepper to make a yummy chicken salad. Eat alone, with some fruit, and/or make Cheese Lace to dip in it! - Freeze-Dried Mango (my go-to stress-relieving snack when it has been "one of those days" with the kids. ;-) ) - Dried Flattened Banana (A great snack for me or the kids.) - Trader Joe's Real Mayonnaise - Sunflower Seeds - Roasted Unsalted Pecan Pieces (I love to add these to yogurt and honey. It reminds me of a favorite childhood snack - Yogurt with Grape Nuts.) - Dried Apricots - Whipped honey (It's just honey whipped with air and great to dip nuts in or as a topping for apples & nuts.) - Vacuum-Fried Pineapple (a great crunchy snack) - Fruit Bars with just fruit like "Apple + Mango" - Any of the unsalted nuts - Any juice that is 100% juice with only a preservative like ascorbic acid added - Peach Halves in White Grape Juice - 100% Sparkling Apple Cider - Legal Larabars - Canned or frozen Artichoke hearts - Frozen vegetables like peas and kale, and frozen fruit - Meat with no broth or illegals added, like their chicken or ground turkey (which contains natural rosemary flavoring but we've confirmed with them it's just straight rosemary). - Vegetables on occasion, which are pretty well-priced. My regulars, whether from TJ's or Sprout's, are broccoli, green onions, baby carrots, regular carrots, pre-washed and cut kale to make kale chips, sometimes artichokes which I boil and dip in butter (mmmm!), and a head of cauliflower to make into cauliflower rice as a side dish. I'm sure I must be missing something! But this gives you some ideas! If you don't have a Trader Joe's near you, we do have some Trader Joe's items on our Corner Grocery page which will link you to Amazon. (I hesitate to recommend prepared foods to you, as each person has to decide what they are willing to try and should be careful to make sure they are legal and are tolerated well. But I really want to share what works for me, so you might be able to add something that would make the diet easier for you. I have to be honest - I don't always write or contact manufacturers to verify legality. But with stores like Trader Joe's, who have already stated to me in writing that their products only contain ingredients listed on the label, and with so much awareness of special diets these days, I personally feel comfortable trying items that look legal. I'm very sensitive to illegals, and have been on the diet so long I can tell what is bothering me, and it doesn't cause any big problems for me...so if I notice any symptoms I just don't eat that item again. If you ever what to write to a company and verify something is legal, use this letter we've put together for you.) Your SCD Guinea Pig, ~ Erin ;-) P.S. I'll be adding a category to my posts "SCD Guinea Pig" with new products I've tried... |
Hi! I'm Erin from NoMoreCrohns.com... My Crohn's has been in complete remission while following the SCD for 13 years! What is everyday life like for me? Stop by for glimpses into my healthy life full of my husband, kids, shopping, cooking, homeschool, and the constant search for SCD-friendly foods! Categories
October 2015
Note: Some of the posts on Visits with Erin may contain affiliate links. That means if you click on the link and purchase an item, I will receive a small commission, but the price you pay for whatever you purchase remains the same. When you shop through those links you help support NoMore-Crohns. Please be assured I only recommend products I believe will add value to my readers.