As you may remember, Leap Day, or February 29th, is a "backwards day" because it only happens once every four years. Do you know someone who was born on 2/29? It's always fun to joke that they're only "4" or "9." Some people call it Sadie Hawkins Day, and that's when a lady can propose to her man! But you don't have to wait 4 years to have a Backwards Party... have it any time you want! We'd like to give you a few tips and recipes and show you some pictures of our recent party. Menu
Spice Cake with Creamy Vanilla Frosting and Lemon Curd Meatballs, topped with Marinara Sauce Italian Spaghetti Squash or Spaghetti for non-SCDers Fruit Platter Tossed Green Salad Diet Soda (no Splenda) or Lemonade for non-SCDers Games To Play Get Dressed Backwards Relay Toothpick Balance Bug! Board games, such as Candy Land, played backwards (Click here for document with instructions for all games.) |
Set the tone by creating a fun invitation! Invitations should be as “backward” as possible! Make them open the wrong way, or write some of the words backwards. |
When your guests arrive, start by escorting them to the back door, where they enter backwards! Give them a hat to wear back to front and have them try to write their name backwards on a piece of paper for a nametag. They can use your mirror to check their work! Have a game of Jenga! going as guests arrive so everyone has something to do right away. Play some fun music in the background. |
Backwards Dinner
As soon as the group is complete, start right off by doing something edgy… ruin everyone’s appetite with big helpings of dessert! This should hold them over long enough to play the “getting dressed backwards” relay while your helper sets out the spaghetti makings and salads. |
Game Time!
After dinner, set up a couple of tables and break out the games. Everyone keeps individual points, but the surprising final backwards touch is… the one with the least total points wins! Let the winner be the first to choose from your selection of 99 cent store prizes, then let the next lowest choose next, etc. Be sure to buy a few more than you actually need so everyone has a few good prizes to choose from. Have a great time! It’s fun being backwards!! |