Shop With Erin!The fact is, you need to buy food to put on your table! Very few of us, if any, live in a setting where we can grow all our own fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and raise our own beef, pork, and chickens, and produce our own milk and eggs! We need to do our best to find and purchase food that is SCD-legal and works for us on the SCD.
Go shopping with me! My five-page grocery list that covers various stores, is available as part of our "Fast-Track to SCD Success! course. It will help smooth your path to success on the SCD! I'm sure there are other items at these stores that are legal, but I want to be careful to pass on just what I actually buy and eat. If you have discovered a product that you believe to be legal, I'd love to hear about it! Write to me at [email protected]! |
Note: I waited until I didn't have any Crohn's symptoms before I added some prepared products to my diet. That way, I could be sure to tell if I had a reaction to a product and discontinue use. Any time you eat something prepared by others, you take a risk. But if the product is legal, and it makes your life a little bit easier, that risk could be worth it. I share these with you not to say that I know they are legal but to show you how I very carefully have added a few products that look legal and that have given me no symptoms. Then you can make your own decision about whether you would want to try them, write to them, or not try them. It's up to you! :) |