Dear Erin,
I am amazed at the time you take to write me back and answer my questions: I am getting ready to order my yogourmet! I have one more question now: do you have any tips or advice when it comes to travelling? We are planning a trip to take for spring break, the middle of March. I am nervous about my special diet while away from home. How do you manage? I can't even imagine being able to eat out but how can I cook my veggies when I'm "on the road"? Any help or suggestions you could give me would be so much appreciated! It's perfectly fine if it takes a little while for you to get back to me. Whenever it is do-able for you is great for me! Thank you again for this amazing service you provide for people you don't even know. Because of your website, I am feeling that I can really do this! I am so grateful! EF Hi EF, Ok! I do have some time now... Sorry it took a week! Thanks for your encouraging words! Travel can be done, but it does take some planning ahead. I have traveled many places - Hawaii twice, 20-hour road trips, cross-country road trips a few times each year.... all on the SCD. Here are some travel ideas that may help: