March/AprilJust a few of the delicious recipes in this issue...
In this issue:
Created in 2009 Sample pages: Articles:Spring in D.C.!
"When I was diagnosed with Crohn's, I thought my life was over! Then came the SCD and I realized what a blessing I'd been given. I appreciated good health and the opportunity it brings, so much more than ever before. One of my personal victories after getting well on the SCD was to complete an internship at the White House. I don't know what first piqued my interest, but at the age of 8 or 9 I started a tradition of writing to every U.S. President for their signature and picture, and have had an interest in politics ever since..." Read more on page 4... Pamper Yourself with Non-Food Treats, Too "Although we usually associate food with comfort and relaxation, there are many enjoyable activities that can make you feel pampered and refreshed..." Read more on page 13... Plan a Bridal or Baby Shower! "One of the wonderful things about being on the SCD is that now you are healthy and ready to jump into life! Wedding bells are ringing and women can now have the joy of a healthy pregnancy. These are occasions to celebrate and who is more deserving than your friend or loved one who is on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? This issue we want to give you ideas and recipes..." Read more on page 20... |
Articles:You're the Cook... Do Recipe Makeovers
"Here's the situation... you have a recipe you love and you'd like to make it SCD legal, but is it possible? It might be, depending on what type of recipe it is. So many recipes may be altered slightly or even significantly and still work wonderfully...." Read more on page 30... Tips for saving time in the kitchen "People who really cook, and that's us, know how important it is to make the best use of time spent in the kitchen. If you're going to be there, you might as well get in and get out as quickly as possible and accomplish a lot while you're there!..." Read more on page 32... Manage Your Thoughts "A huge part of success on the SCD - or when undertaking any endeavor for that matter - is learning to manage your thoughts. What you think about can make the difference between success and failure! Often our negative thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy..." Read more on page 34... Saint Patrick's Day "Ever since we were in elementary school we knew that we had to wear green on March 17th or we'd get pinched, and that it was good luck to find a four leaf clover! It was fun to dream about pots of gold at the end of the rainbow and little leprechauns on the loose, granting wishes..." Read more on page 25... Out & About... at the Crab Cooker Restaurant "One of the fun spots to visit in Orange County, California, is the Crab Cooker fish market and restaurant, with two locations. Both restaurants, in Newport Beach and Tustin, are filled with funky artwork, mismatched chairs and guests from all over the world...." Read more on page 17... Great Ingredient: Tahini "Tahini sounds rather exotic and foreign, but as our tastes broaden and our neighborhoods become more diverse, we find that we are eating and being exposed to many interesting and delicious cuisines and ingredients that were unknown not too long ago. This is a big advantage for a person on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet because many of the foods from other lands are more natural..." Read more on page 27... |